Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2024
Lord, grant me the wisdom never to forget where my blessings come from.
So many have so much, but are they good stewards of what they have? It is easy to forget about being thankful and caring for our blessings and gifts. It is human to take them for granted as our due. Yet, do they need care? To be nurtured? Many do, or they can become like ashes following a fire, forgotten, decaying, and left to blow away. God makes us stewards of our property, animals, and families. He gifts and honors us with all we have and will be. Do you rejoice and fulfill your role?
Heavenly Father, there are times when I do not do as I should do. I forsake my duties and shirk my responsibilities. I understand this is not correct, and I humbly apologize. All I have is from you. Without your blessing, I would have nothing and be nothing. With you and your love, I have everything. Your generosity humbles me, and I am grateful. I thank you for what I have now and have had. Holy Spirit, grant me the wisdom to never forget from where my blessings come. I pray in Jesus Christ's name. Amen

a tangle originated by Melissa Bruce
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw ZENWHEEL on the TanglePatterns website.
Lord, your generosity humbles me, and I am grateful.
I thank you for what I have now and have had.
Help me to a worthy steward of your generosity.