Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
What is the genuine blessing of blessings?
Are there times when you cherish a blessing rather than your Father who blessed you?
Both are worthy of our gratitude, but which made the blessing occur?
The giver of blessings is who we should remember. In your life, you will be blessed time and time again in small and large ways. You receive a phone call that cheers you up on a blue day. You smile into the face of your lovely baby and see the future in their eyes. You land the job you want with a paycheck that will help you better provide for your family. You miss having an accident because something told you to look again. And on and on the list goes in your life. Do you consider blessings more than a gift along the journey?
Loving Father, I am blessed and see your blessings every day. I am profoundly grateful. Your gifts are like rays of light, and Heaven extended into my life. They illuminate my hope and assure me that Heaven will be amazing. My focus now is seeing this life in a heavenly kingdom way. I genuinely believe we can see aspects of Heaven here and now, which is exciting. You encourage us to be your servants by blessing others. Through those gifts, we help make Heaven on Earth present for many. That is the genuine blessing of blessings. I am incredibly grateful for that and will endeavor to share the gifts as often as possible. Amen.

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
This tangle's edges show me 'cherish' so beautifully.