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Day 232 - What it Means to Live a Life of Goodness and Humility with God

Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023

Live a life of goodness; find happiness in the privileges in your life.


Do only good, be good to others, be humble, do not boast, and look to make yourself appear better than others. Do your work and do not say negative things about it. Love your parents and all in your family. Whether good or not so good in your eyes, cherish your parents, for they gave you life on earth. Guide your children to living a life seen as good in the eyes of the Lord. This privilege is one the Lord gave you at their birth—nurture and guide them so they are ready to live a life blessed by God. Eliminate stubbornness from your heart; it can lead to impaired judgment and pride. Live a life of goodness.

Face life with the bravery Jesus demonstrated at the moment of his arrest. We have Jesus within us, so we too can be brave and strong, facing the world and our responsibilities with courage in the way we are instructed to. Know you can, and with your relationship with your Heavenly Father, you will.

We should ask as Jesus did of Peter:

Then Jesus said to Peter, Put back your sword: am I not to take the cup which my Father has given to me? (John 18.11 Bible in Basic English (BBE))


Heavenly Father, I love you and my parents; they did their very best for me. As I grow older, I understand how much they loved me much better than I did when I was young. Just as I see how much you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit do for me in ways I could not see when I was younger. I now profoundly appreciate what Jesus went through for us so much more than when I was younger. Only you could have strengthened a human to endure what he went through with such love and grace.

I want to be like that, if only in the slightest way. Please make me stronger and more aware of what and who is around me. Encourage me to help them and profoundly appreciate them. Let me be your physical touch when they need a hug, bring a quick smile to my face when they need encouragement, and listen with all my being when they need to be heard. Make me a person that shows how beautiful living life with you is. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

Yu Ru Chen Original Tangle PING Drawn on Yellow Green QoR Watercolor Background with Black Micron by Texas Artist and Author Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®

a tangle originated by Yu Ru Chen

Word of the Day


Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.

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Dec 07, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Lord, let me be your physical touch when they need a hug, bring a quick smile to my face when they need encouragement, and listen with all my being when they need to be heard. Make me a person that shows how beautiful living life with you is.

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