Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
You are part of God's Garden. What kind of soil are you?
Jesus used the Parable of the Sower to teach. If you think of yourself as soil, what kind of soil are you?
Clay, almost impenetrable?
Sand, loose, and very difficult to keep in a form?
Loamy, full of nutrients, and offering a nurturing environment for growth?
Stony or Rock filled, with small gaps where a plant might grow but have no space for its roots?
What kind of soil are you for the Lord's call and words?
How well do you absorb and nurture the growth of yourself and others around you?
What kind of growth happens with the seeds the Lord has placed within you?
Are you the hard clay or the rocky path where the Lord's seeds blow away or can be quickly eaten by the birds of the sky?
What kind of growth happens with the seeds the Lord has placed within you?
Are you trapped within a thorny bush being choked by those around you?
What kind of growth happens with the seeds the Lord has placed within you?
Are you a mix of soft, loamy, and fertile soils where growth is most possible and abundant?
What kind of growth happens with the seeds the Lord has placed within you?
Consider these thoughts and recognize if there is work you can do to become that which inspires abundant growth of the spirit within and around you. Then, you can become the rich soil of the Lord's garden if you are not already. He is there to help you.
Lord, make me a lush garden ready to receive your words and grace. Help me nurture and expand their reach to all I touch. Continue to water my soul with your life-giving words and thoughts, and then remind me when needed who needs what words and the water. I eagerly await the opportunities for the love that you will present to me. You are the most excellent gardener and I am excited to be a part of your garden. It is a blessing to be a part of God's garden. I am your worker striving to help you grow a fantastic world for us to nurture and love. I am yours. Grow me as you will.
Gracious Father, gardener of my life. I seek to serve and appreciate your love so very much. My life would be a desert without you. Therefore, I pray that you and your son, Jesus Christ, fill me with the words and wisdom to serve in the best possible way to fulfill your world. Amen

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Watch Cindy Rae draw FESCU. Draw FESCU with me!
Learn how to draw FESCU. In Zentangle Project Pack #10. As part of The Legend of Zentangle project pack series, Maria Thomas tangles FESCU starting at 23:26 in this video.
These writings & prayers are adding amendments to my soil. Thank you every day.