Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Considering the wisdom and perspective of the past.
All of us come from the history recorded in the Bible, all people, all places. The time is great since then, so we forget who our ancestors were, how they struggled, and how some neglected to accept and follow God.
You often see and hear about how bad things are now, and yes, there are too many difficulties to face without feeling there is no hope. Yet when you read the Bible, you realize that the struggle to do right has gone on for a very long time. Looking at the past gives perspective to today and the future. It seems it must have been horrible to live then, and yet the good chose God in the midst of whatever was challenging to them. What is your choice today? Will you stop letting hard things act as your shield? Will you step into the light of God and Jesus as they did? If you will or have, then you have the promise of living life fully by your faith.
Holy Spirit, Today I seek your wisdom to learn from the past how to continue moving forward in the embrace of God. I want to absorb the wisdom and perspective of the past. The angst of the past for believers is nothing like what we face today, yet it is so easy to drop into sorrow. Allow wisdom to save me from sorrow. Let it lead me to turn my face to the Lord with the knowledge that I am ok and will be more than ok with my faith. My faith and true belief secure my future, and I am grateful to know that. Let me learn from the past, but keep my eyes firmly on the future and the destiny I am to fulfill. Amen.
a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Good morning, I haven't been doing much reading blogs lately but for some reason I checked this at the perfect time. Your daily prayer is perfect as we celebrate our daughter's anniversary today and she moves forward from her past. I tr s logging in but couldn't. Martha D