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Day 175 - Be Generous With Your Faith

Writer's picture: Cindy Rae FancherCindy Rae Fancher

Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023

You have faith. Please share it with others. Be generous with your faith.

And without argument, great is the secret of religion: He who was seen in the flesh, who was given God's approval in the spirit, was seen by the angels, of whom the good news was given among the nations, in whom the world had faith, who was taken up in glory. (1 Timothy 3.16 Bible in Basic English (BBE))

As believers, we, too, have the secret in our hearts. The secret that we want to spread far and wide. There is so much more to life on Earth. There are so many things to look forward to and live for. We have what we need, so stop worrying, judging, and mistreating others. Realize that love is waiting on you, accept it, and see where the mysteries of life will take you. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you have religion, regardless of how and where you practice it. You have faith. Please share it with others. Be generous with your faith. There is never any possibility of it running low or out.


Loving Father, thank you for sharing the secret of religion with humanity. My life would be so different without you and Jesus Christ. I don't want to imagine how bleak our world and I would be. Instead, we have hope, mystery, and your continuous love. You are everywhere I look. The thrill of a sunrise and the majesty at the day's end are only tiny examples of your contribution to everyone's life. The promise you give us, knowing that tomorrow the sunrise will remind us of your son's rising into a new life for us again. It is overwhelming and so very precious. I promise to see you everywhere in every smile, laugh, tear, raindrop, and so many other places. Thank you for being there and everywhere, Lord. Amen.

Zentangle, Inc. Original Tangle ECHOISM Drawn on Orange QoR Watercolor Background with Black Micron by Texas Artist and Author Cindy Rae Fancher, CZT®


a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.

Word of the Day


Learn how to draw ECHOISM. Sue Jacobs, CZT®, demonstrates how to draw ECHOISM from CHA Chicago. There is quite a bit of noise in the background, but Sue shows how to draw ECHOISM beautifully.

Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English website.

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Oct 11, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I promise to see you everywhere in every smile, laugh, tear, raindrop, and so many other places. Thank you for being there and everywhere, Lord.

This tangle reminds me of a spring which can expand & contract, just like my awareness.


Lily Leung
Lily Leung
Oct 11, 2023

Having faith is a little difficult at present time. So I share faith by not voicing negatives and by being of service.

Cindy Rae Fancher
Cindy Rae Fancher
Oct 11, 2023
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I understand Lily, service is how we can make a real difference and it seems to make us more positive with the gifts we receive from serving others. God bless you. Cindy Rae


Oct 10, 2023

I love the artwork on your site, so unique. I have faith in humanity but currently despair of the atrocities around the world, the mistreatment of each other and the beautiful planet we live on. I pray the younger generations do a better job.

Cindy Rae Fancher
Cindy Rae Fancher
Oct 11, 2023
Replying to

I understand your thoughts on humanity and it is saddening on so many levels. I have to believe that we have to keep trying and listening for the Lord to guide us in how we cn make a difference and bring change. That is one reason I am writing this devotional. I truly believe the Lord will use it for his good. Thank you so much for the compliment on my art. That means so much to me. Cindy Rae
