Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
My promise is that I want to stand strong in my faith and actions.
Do you ever feel a lack of understanding from others? At times, does your faith separate you from friends or family? Unfortunately, this is nothing new to believers. When you think of John the Baptist and the horrors he faced for speaking his faith, you might realize that the scrutiny you face is minor in comparison. Yet he stood firm as Jesus did to the end. Can you? Will you?
As a braid of hair is strong and a woven rope bears great weight, so can you through binding yourself to the plat of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let them surround you; nothing can genuinely hurt what matters: your soul and relationship with the Lord.
Dear Father, people hurt my feelings, especially when I am trying to encourage them to learn more about you and build their relationship with you. I keep trying, not in a nuisance way but with love. I have also adopted a posture that it is best to show them I am different, happier, and more peaceful. Hopefully, these changes within me will make them curious and want to change. It is hard when you love someone, and you feel you cannot share what is most important to you with them. If I allowed it to, it would hurt my faith. It isn't easy to be different from those you love. But you are the priority for me, Lord. You know my heart, and I trust you will help me through the challenges of my life and faith. I want to stand strong in my faith and actions. With you, I will. Amen.
a tangle originated by Michele Beauchamp, CZT®
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw BRAYD. Michele Beauchamp, CZT, shows us how to draw BRAYD on her blog site.
It isn't easy to be different from those you love. With you, at my side, God, I feel strong & shall continue to be me.