Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Have you seen that faith can change from generation to generation?
How fickle people can be with their beliefs. One generation can believe with their whole, the next turn a blind eye. Many occurrences demonstrate that faith can change from generation to generation in the Bible. Many times it creates great suffering and pain.
Which generation are you a part of, believer, faithful, always loving the Lord? Or rebellious, callous, unfaithful, and unloving?
The Lord invites us all to discover our nature and honestly resist evil. Jesus offers you a chance to find the gentleness and well-being of serving the Lord forever. We all have to choose which generation we are committed to.
Just reach out to him now with the sincerity of pure desire and receive his eternal gift. If you have already received his gift of salvation, renew your commitment and rejoice. Join the multitude of believers and find your way into a happier, more fulfilled life.
Heavenly Son of God, I embrace you today with all the love God gave me. I want to be of a generation of believers, believing in you and your loving Father. I also want to help my family, friends, and acquaintances be a participant in a loving generation of believers. Guide my steps, my voice to help them and strangers find you. Give my voice believability and passion for you so that they ease their defenses and can truly hear your thoughts from my voice and see you in my actions. Amen.

a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Learn how to draw RADDOX. Felicity Kusinitz provides Step-out for RADDOX.