Finding Your Creative Bones® 365-Day Devotional © 2023
Will you sow wonder and receive grace as a result?
And when Jesus went on from there, two blind men came after him, crying out, Have mercy on us, you Son of David. And when he had come into the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, Have you faith that I am able to do this? They said to him, Yes, Lord. Then he put his hand on their eyes, saying, As your faith is, let it be done to you. And their eyes were made open. And Jesus said to them sharply, Let no man have knowledge of it. But they went out and gave news of him in all that land. (Matthew 9.27-31 Bible in Basic English (BBE))
Just as there was a plan for the blind men in this Scripture, there is no doubt that there is a plan for you and all you know in God's playbook. The question for you is, will you let his plan unfold and fulfill it through your faith, thought, and action?
Will you sow wonder and receive grace, or will you stumble, falter, and stand at the door, never having the courage to enter?
You have the choice: what will it be? What will you do? Think and act decisively. It and you matter, as does God's plan for you.
Lord of all ever created, your playbook is my playbook. There are times I may not understand what the plays are, so I falter. When I stumble, please correct me and change my course in the right direction. I trust I will achieve your goal at the right time, and it will fulfill your plan. My trust is the key, my belief is the lock, and you are the door that enables entry into humanity's future. For that, I am so grateful. Lead me and use me to do your will. I am humbled by what you plan for me and excited to follow you in the mission. Amen.
a tangle originated by Zentangle, Inc.
Word of the Day
Read the Scripture in context on the Bible in Basic English (BBE) website.
Lord, lead me and use me to do your will. I am humbled by what you plan for me and excited to follow you in the mission. Push me through the door, if you must.